Arhitectură, urbanism și evaluarea impactului asupra mediului

In architecture and urban planning, concept is the one through the investment object satisfies the requirements of the beneficiary in a balanced way, integrating them into an existing urban layout, taking into account the environmental impact. Globally, Environmental Impact Assesssment is recognized as a tool for achieving sustainable development.

The EIA process must proffer mitigation measures to avoid, reduce or minimize the negative impacts on the environment, public health and property and may highlight the foreseeable positive impacts.

The principles of architecture and urban planning applied to an investment object are intended to provide the citizen with both a positive visual impact and a functional element that has an impact on the quality of live.

Any investment object has an impact on the city both in the underground and overground

Thus, it is necessary to place it in the social and economic environment, in a way that does not affect the transport routes and the municipal networks, which will block the proper functioning of the neighboring services.

